What Lies Ahead If Your Car Has Been Damaged in an Accident

29 November 2017
, Blog

It's an unfortunate fact of life that accidents happen and there are thousands of automobile crashes on any given day across Australia. You may be one of their number if you've been unfortunate to damage your car recently and may be wondering what lies ahead as you make the vehicle "road-ready" again by getting smash repairs. Where do you start? Initial Inspections Firstly, the vehicle will need to be inspected by fully qualified engineers before the insurance company will give the go-ahead to release the cash necessary to fix everything.
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Symptoms of Engine Damage That Should Have You Rushing To Your Mechanic

27 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Despite engine damage being one of the most critical problems that your vehicle could develop, some motorists may not be aware that their car has developed this. The reason why engine damage can be easily overlooked is that some of the ways that the symptoms manifest tend to seem minor. Thus, motorists will opt to ignore the signs and choose to wait for their next service to have their vehicle checked out.
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A Few Tips for Choosing Quality Truck Parts

27 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When making your own truck repairs, you should always invest in quality parts, as using parts that are not high-quality can mean having to make the same repair again, once that new part wears out. Low-quality parts can also lead to other parts wearing out or breaking down earlier than they should. Since all truck parts may look alike to you, and of course all brands will say that their part is high-quality, durable, and meant to last, how do you choose the best ones for your truck?
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Car Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Transmission Working at Peak Efficiency for a Long Time

22 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The main function of the transmission on your car is to transfer power from the engine of the vehicle to its wheels so as to allow the vehicle to move. When your transmission acts up, your handling of the vehicle will be compromised. You may feel the car shake while on the road, you might have problems staying in gear/changing gears or your engine may rev a lot, yet the car does not accelerate as expected.
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Marks on Your Garage Floor? How to Determine Where This Fluid Is Coming from

20 November 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are the type of person who classifies themselves as a "neat freak," then you will find it difficult to cope with a mess of any kind. You make sure that your house is always spick and span, but you also want your garage to be in good shape. However, if you have a car that is a little bit older, from time to time it may begin to leave a deposit or two on the garage floor, much to your chagrin.
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About Me
What to Do if Your Car Makes a Strange Noise

Hello! My name is Pete and this is my blog. I came up with the idea for this blog when I was driving home from work one day. I was making good progress through the city traffic when all of a sudden, I heard a very strange noise coming from the engine. I started to panic and pulled over to one side of the road. Thankfully, I was able to get someone to tow me to the next auto garage so I could have the car repaired. The mechanic carried out a full service of my car and repaired the problem.
